Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014

Can I Stay Tonight?

Hey, It's been a while
So cold out here
I've been alone for some times
Can I stay tonight?

Tell me your story
Are you happy, are you sad?
Should I go?
Or can I stay tonight?

Told to be truth,
I'm tired. I'm sick. I'm lonely.
I just need somebody come pick me up.
So please tell me to stay tonight.

Everybody's keep telling me it's gonna be okay
For all I care, their words are lies
The scars are there, attached to my heart. installed to my soul.
Help me move my legs, help me stop the teardrops.
Embrace me, at least for tonight.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Review Manga

Mulai sekarang, gw berencana buat review tentang manga (komik Jepang) yg menarik buat dibaca, dan mungkin belum beredar versi Indonesia-nya. Masih banyak manga2 bagus yg belum beredar di sini, entah karena unsur dewasanya atau susah buat ngedapetin lisensi-nya. Yah, siapa tau, kalo gw bikin review-nya di sini, ada yg tertarik dan menyarankan penerbit macem Elex buat nyoba nerbitin versi Indonesianya. Hopefully!!


Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Fine World for Us

Don't go waste your time with fear
there is nothing you should afraid of
every step you take is what you chose
and you chose it perfectly
So look forward
Cause you will be fine

And I will try my best to do what i can do
I'll look after you, call you, think of you
for every breath that you take
I'll live my life with no hesitation
for me myself and for you too
So I will be fine

It will be hard for us in the mean time but we can work it out
Fate may differ our path
But it really doesn't matter
Since what lies ahead of us
Is a future, for you and me
And then we'll be fine

Ini gw tulis buat nyemangatin cewe gw (jd malu),,it doesn't have a good phrase and it's rhyme doesn't sound nice,but I really am happy and delighted that I made this one,,,at least I can show a little bit of my heart in this so-called-poem,,hahahahaha

Lay All Your Love on Me

gara2 nonton Mamma Mia! nih,,hahahaha

I wasnt jealous before we met
Now every woman I see is a potential threat
And Im possessive, it isnt nice
Youve heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
But now it isnt true
Now everything is new
And all Ive learned has overturned
I beg of you......

Dont go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me

It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little smalltalk, a smile and baby I was stuck
I still dont know what youve done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily
I feel a kind of fear
When I dont have you near
Unsatisfied, I skip my pride
I beg you dear......

Dont go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Dont go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me

Ive had a few little love affairs
They didnt last very long and theyve been pretty scarce
I used to think that was sensible
It makes the truth even more incomprehensible
cause everything is new
And everything is you
And all Ive learned has overturned
What can I do......

Dont go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Dont go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009



さっきまで泣いてた君が 今隣で笑ってる
少し先に待ってたこの未来に 辿り着けてよかった
君を傷付けたくない この言葉に逃げていた

今夜孤独と自由を羽にして あなたに逢いに行く
壊れそうな心の隣には あなたとかけた願い(?←)

出逢ったあの日の夢を見た 手も繋げないまま二人
笑い声がただ時を繋いだ 未来なんてまだ見えなかった
目が覚めて君想えば 手のひらに零れ落ちた
あの日のぬくもりそっと握り返して 溢れた涙に目を閉じた

どんな些細な痛みも分け合って あなたと歩けたら
途切れそうな心を抱きしめて あなたの側に居たい

どんな孤独も自由も羽にして あなたに会いに行く
壊れそうな心の隣には あなたと描く未来
どんな些細な痛みも分け合って あなたと歩けたら
途切れそうな心を抱きしめて あなたの側に居たい

It's my world, and I'm in it

Fuhh, kesampean jg bikin blog,,
stelah sekian lama ngiler ngeliat temen2 gw punya blog, sekarang gw juga punya my-very-own-blog!!hahahaha

dan yang pertama akan gw tulis adalah!!!
gw bakal nulis,,

untuk blog pertama gw akan menulis nothin, since i have no idea to write right now,,
at least i have my own blog now, and i have another time to talk about my world later,,

adios for now!!!